Saturday, December 25, 2010
24-12-10 christmas eve
christmas celebration
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
we meet for the second time...
reached his house. erm.. New house new smell. But, old furniture. haha... his parents is still the same them, his little brother is still the ah He, He is still my baby. So cute and adorable. we had lunch together with his mom oily but awesome dishes and coconut drinks. My first trial to have lunch with his whole family... COool... After filling our stomach, we fetch his bro to busstop and at the same time buy ticket for me to go home. it only have 3 times: 8:30, 12:30 and 8:30pm. Of course, i choose 12:30 lo... Then we wait until ah He2 bus depart, we started our journey to pahlawan. Baby wanna buy his dream lamp. i think is a bit small n not so dreamy... but he like it very much.. erm.. i respect his decision. As long as he like, n it didnt offense me, i should support him.. tat is wat i will do in the future. So, without hesitation, he bought the lamp. He told me is a gift from his colleague... how nice.. ooo
wat about me? wat is my gift? Act i have gone to Harvey Norman to look at the price of the fan. Gosh, so pricy. i couldn't afford to gift a 199 fan to him... Hai... thought of buying others things for him.. we walk walk and see see after we buy the lamp. i wanna buy something cheap but nice for my new year attire cause b4 this i have bought 2 blouse for 199 ad.. no doubt... i need to choose some lesss expensive stuff for myself..
he was so cute when he was there to see i come out from the fitting room. If is a nice skirt, he will nod his head. if is not a nice dress or shirt, he will smile and make his eyes big n look at me v his most innocent eyes.. wat a cute guy..
at last, i buy a shirt. i thought he will pay for me.. BUt no... i pay myself. i tell him how i feel.. maybe he feel guilty, he say he will pay me bak.. haha.. He is damn adorable... started to in love v him again..
Time flies, hungry again. needa go home.
Reached, his mom was so mad at us. Ask me y we are so late, where have we been, what the hell we come back so late? ad tell him we need to help them in moving some stuffs and soso ...
i am so guilty..
After dinner,i did help them out in moving their house.. fun.. but heavy...then time to sleep...
waiting him in his romantic room... sleepy.... nite~
Sunday, December 12, 2010
reunion dinner
Palate palatte restaurant is a creative restaurant. But, the food is aweful.. n so expensive.. but the potion is little.. i ordered a pasta carbonara.. damn it... it taste aweful... indeed, have a great time there...
Saturday, December 11, 2010
is not a good way
U say talk nicely to them... how come it turned out to be that way de.... shit...
i dad wanna give me up ad..
he dunwan me ad...
so sad..
he so angry jus now n scolded me..
he say he wan me to become a teacher n that the final deal
he shouted at me .......
i didnt shout back..
but, i feel so sad..........
how come things become like tat?
Friday, December 10, 2010
i m mad of everything in my life...
When i woke up yesterday, i saw fb was full of Alvis Kong news. he is so loving but yet stupid..
22 Years Old Malaysian Alvis Kong Committing Suicide For The One He Love
22 Years Old Malaysian Alviss Kong Committing Suicide For The One He Love
Source from and
At around 9.50PM on Wednesday night, he posted a message on Facebook saying that ..
t0night 12.00 am. you wil knew whether its true or prank
Then later on at 11.00 PM, he posted another message on Facebook ..
Hope everyone will take care of their beloved one…Do not let them slip away from u before it’s too late !
15 minutes later, he posted another message ..
Count Down For 45 Mins…What should i do in this 45 mins ?
Alvis Kong & his baby
Alvis Kong officially announced and started his relationship with his girlfriend on the 26th of July 2010 and the whole relationship lasted only 4 months where it ended early this month. This is ONLY Alvis’s second relationship and he’s ONLY 22.
He got rejected 5 times by this girl before he finally manage to couple with her for 4 months.
Alvin Crying picture before he died
Alvis Kong wrote his last note before he died in Facebook – Link
Life is so short. he is only 22. However, i alute his courage to do this act. A 22 years old boy got the courage to jump from a 14 floor apartmeent. He dont care about the consequence that will happen and face all his problem himself. Bravo.
After praising him, i need to say that he is stupid. waht a stupid dump shit who is selfish and excessiive self centered. his behavior is over his limitation. He didnt care ahbout his parents who raise him up for 22 years. the money, the energy, the spirit, the love...... no brain.. dump shit...
The saying goes:You cannot always control what goes on outside. But you can always control what goes on inside.He can control the devil that push him to die. He can control everything.. but y?i m jus a normal girl..
i m selfish? i think so.. i cruel.... always make my mom sad. always self centered..
but, i am sad... jus dreaming about having a bright future.. but, i cant make it
i cant do anyhtign but jus to stay at home and wait for the stupid posting.
why cant i join private UNi? y cant i join private instituition and center? y should i always ned to folow what i dun like.. the path have been walk by them... why should i follow their footstep?
why should i ............
life is torturing me...
i hate my lifestyle now..
no date, no friend, no nothing..
why i dont have the courage to jump down like aLVIS?
i hate myself..... jus hate....
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
就喜欢每天对着肥大的裤子 把自己粗壮的腿塞进去?
体重3位数的女人没有未来! 只有对自己狠一点!
你TMD怎么就这么喜欢吃东西 你和肉亲啊还是怎么着
瘦一点有什么用,听就要听别人说,哇啊!你好美哦!!! 那样才是美得冒泡。。。。
想减肥就别他妈给自己找借口 少墨迹 果断点会死?
要瘦就得付出代价 受不了就继续在胖子行列混
反正世界上胖子这么多 也不差你
看看自己的肥脸,你有什么资格吃!!!! 死肥婆!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
A full stop to Brunei~
Friday, December 3, 2010
simple spending money
i pretty agree with that..
i wake up this morning v a tired and lumpy face. Then i teach tuition. Then thinking of going maxis to change my phone to pre-paid. SO i won call so much and at the same time can control myself to call him...
it charge me 25 dollars to do that.. then top up my phone and my mom's phone... each 30.. mean i have spent 85 dollars. SInce i am so free, i went to my friend's shop to see some clothes. i bought 2 shirt... one for me, one for mama.. it costs me 46dollars. total i have used 131 dollars.
Before entering my aunty house, mom say need to buy something.. then i thought of buying some junkfood..
i go to a mart and simply buy some junkfood and ice-cream. It cost me 25. SO total today i spent 156 dollars. haha... SO easy to spent away all my hard earn money... wahahha
tat y my aunty always say...
Hui, must get a rich guy.. He is the one who can fullfill ur desire. desire of buying and spending..
A pauper will only make u suffer and pity..
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
the day we meet
WHen i reach there, he is stil so slim and smart.
But i hate his hair.. is too long. since he is no longer my boy, i shouldnt complain much too.
As usual i make him wait for me like half hour. When i am in his car, he jus keep singing his song. What come from his mouth is thta, we had been a long time never chat, tat y, we have no topic to chat. Have to warm up first. I respect him a lot. so i keep my mouth shut. That nite, we eat in a shop near kota laksamana. i forget the name of the shop. He wanna taste my curry mee, therefore, he used his own chopstick and spoon. i feel i am not belong to him anymore. "he is no longer care for me and treat me as his girl anymore.' This sentence keep coming out from my mind.
Then we manage to walk by the beach...
we see people playing kite beside the beach
Thought is jus watching ppl, i still feel we are close to each other.
the next step we do, is to walk along the beach. My stupid leg was damn pain at that time cause stand too long. So he seggested me to sit on the stone beside the beach. we sit back to each other. i can feel his heart beating, n i heart my heart beat more faster than him...we keep silence for a while.. At that time, i feel like hugging him.. i miss him ver much. not much time, we start to talk.. i sing a song to him. BABY, Im SORRY
i duno whether he get it or not.. but, i am just trying to esxpress my feeling towards him.
Then he told me some story about his company life,working life and another girl appeared in his life. Believe me...
That the time my tears pouring down. i canot do anything to control it.. indeed, i am so jealous and sad. i feel like some1 is gonna forever missing in my life..
no one will ever called me baby anymore, no one will make decision for me anymore........
i am restless... to be brave, i wipe off my tears and pretend nothing happened..
Things seem to move fast..
i hug him from his back. He ask me: since u are so in love v me, why should we break up?
i keep silence... i wanna tell him... i love him... my devil keep pressing my heart to hide from him... SOme kids come to us and move our sight.. we change topic and move to the crab they are looking for..
Then, we stated with the topic again..
How was things runnig in life. so on and so forth.
'what size are u wearing?' This is some questions that he won ask me for so many years. i told him about it.. Then onli i knwo y.. cause the girl had talk about this v her. i am again jealous..
i can see tender from his eyes.. he is still so charming and pleasant...
i follow him to his friend's house......... then back to Tesco.. it was so cold inside and i am shivering. He hug me at last keep me warm..
i know he will be my man ..
YEs, he is my man..
the one who can give me comfort and warm me..
heart beat rapidly incease to 100 pulse a min...
then back to his house..
A stay in his house..
he was so gentle that nite.. thought we didnt do anything, but i knw the hug that he give was the best ever in my 24 years old life.. i will never forget the hug... n the kiss....
The next morning, i had a breakfast that full of love.. chesse spagetti with meatball. no doubt, i love it. then we move to his new house. HE kiss me again and i can feel lots of love.. i know he love me.. n i know i love him too..
THE HUG N THE KISS.. i know i will never forget..
i tell him everything between me n ken.
i know he is so piss off. cause he thinks that he has been cheated. Its not easy to b the main character to the third party.. i m so sorry... we give each other 2 years to settle our life... 2 years... is long yet short.. what will happen in this 2 years time?
bunch of girls surrounding him..
anything will happen... SOmemore there is a girl who in love v him...
cute and pretty...
what should i do?
but i really enjoy the day...... although is sad to say good bye to his...
he give me a warm goodbye kiss and a hug for the segregate. i cried..........
tat the end of the day......
baby.. i love u... i wanna be with u...