Tuesday, July 22, 2008
blog of rhythm and movement
As a group leader, I do have to contribute efforts in chronograph the steps of dance. So, I make myself free for the whole weekend to finish up the dance. Finally, I had finished chronograph my dance. So on Sunday night, I call all my group members to practice at PKP in college Chancellor. Sadly, only three turn up. Then we only learned a few simple steps.
Wednesday is around the corner, this make me felt nervous and sad. I scare I can’t I can’t teach my members, and I am sad because they all didn’t turn up for Monday morning training. On Monday night, the whole PKP is full of people. They are all my course mates, practicing the dance that they need to perform. We also started to practice. Slowly, my mates all started familiar with all the steps. We also do the broacher and synopsis together.
Three days had passed. Today is the day we need to perform. We make ourselves to be in the best condition. Morning, we make ourselves memories all the steps and is our last rehearsal. Then, something happened. Our buddy group, Rachael, has a fall and she spins her knee. She was in pain and tears coming out from her eye. At last, we decide to send her to PK. Although she can’t dance, but she did sacrifice for art.
When we reached Faculty Of Pendidikan, Puan Juridah told us that we are the last group. Group after group, make us so excited. Some of them felt more nervous and nervous. For me, I do think is excited because I love to dance in the crowd. When reached our turn, we strike out our best move and dance. We really enjoyed ourselves because this is our production and we must enjoy it nicely.
Through this performance, we merely have meeting every night and this had help us to build up our relationship among our group member. Besides that, we have the chance to watch our friends perform. I did realize that many of my class mates can dance very well but they are too shy to do so. But when they are on stage, they did make a very good move. They built up their confident and this is very helpful in our major performance. Some of the groups are not prepared, but they did do a great job. I can see that they really putting effort in practicing. This is a great time to develop human’s creativity and rhythmic. I still remember Hoe-Yi say it helped her to get lost of weight because dance requires to move our body figure. We also can make this activity in class so that students can have the chance to do exercise in the meantime release their tension studying.
blog on sound story
We are very lucky because our group is the first to perform. After we finish our bla… sound, my course mates interpreted the story with a different version compared to our original idea. But, from what we heard they say, their version make sense too based on the sounds we produced. This will be interesting if as a teacher, we want our students to do it in class. They will find it interesting and concentrate in our lesson.
Then, we are given chance to watch others groups present. Each and every group is trying their voice to make types of sound such as witch, accident, wolf and so on. We need to guess the sequence of the story as well. The sound that most attract me is the sound of the mother crying presented by Priya’s group.
The sound really attracted me. Our classmates really make a very good job.
In my opinion, I think that this is a very good try that all of us are enjoying listening to other course mates’ performance. While listen to the sound, we also make ourselves a happy time there.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
PASSION??? Tears of butterfly...
i lost a chance to see a boring play in KLPAC. Indeed, i felt proud of myself, helping my seniors for their theater. This is because i do gain something from them. since i am going to do my theater next sem, this is a very golden chance for me to look at their mistake. haha.. I believe that i wont do the same mistake again as when i see them running up and down the stage at the last min, i soliloquy: this things wont happen to me in next sem. This is not the attitude... Last minutes job always make me nervous.
Their play entitle: Tears of butterfly. funny and somehow meaningful... is like A great injustice.. about pregnant and abortion. It do have moral dillemma...
i do enjoy helping them.
But , i believe that I will do better in next sem... Much more better than what they did...
TO be evaluate…
I like to be evaluated. Through evaluate, I can know my mistake well. Thanks to DR. Edwin who create the chance for us to stand in front and be evaluated by others. It is sometimes embarrassed, but we did learn a lot from mistake.
How it is in evaluating others in simulated teaching
There are many aspects in evaluating a teacher. In my point of view, to evaluate a teacher, I will look at their appearance first. There is a Chinese maxim saying that the sincerity of human is by their appearance. Same goes here. You are a respectful teacher, that why you have to dress decently like what Dr Fauziah always stress on. So, the way you dress up your self is important.
Second, I will like to talk about the set induction that given by the teachers. The set induction should be look remarkable and sound pleasurable so that it can magnetize students’ attention to stick to you. Students enjoy colorful images, video clip or even games. They will felt interesting and curious to know what is going to happen later. So, they will pay attention to you. Then as a teacher, we should know make our set induction related to our next activities so that students can open up their right schemata and they will get what you are trying to teach.
Besides, we have to know the standard of the students we are going to teach. Extract that we choose for pre- reading shouldn’t be too long or too short and not too hard or not too easy. We also must arrange the activities from easy to hard to make the students activate their thinking skill from comprehension to evaluation. Activities that we create must be creative and enjoyable as well. A teacher has to be knowledgeable, but he or she also needs to be creativity. Seriously, teacher is not an easy task but is a full of challenge task.
Last but not least, the voice projection. Teachers with soft voices usually will end up a noisy class. I hate teacher that can’t speak loud either. Speaking alone in front wasting pupils’ time talking about something that only ants can hear what she is talking, really make the pupils annoyed.
As a result, teacher is not an easy task. It is an occupation that full of challenge, courage (to stand in front to speak), knowledgeable, proficiency in your language, creative, friendly but sometimes strict, and you have to act like an actress on the stage.
It really is not an easy payment career.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Reflection on A Streetcar Name Desire

Blanche on the other hand, is the character that I hate most in the movie. She represents the shame of women as she flirts around with any guys. Although she has a lots of sad pass, but I really can’t stand a teacher flirting around with her innocent and guilty face when he meet with any guys, and pretend to be young and pity. The most terrible thing that I piss off with her is when she asks Mitch to marry her. She really humiliates all the women in the world. She shouldn’t do that. But one thing felt sad is that her relationship has been destroyed by Stanley and she has been raped by Stanley and she had been committed to an insane asylum at last.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Reflection on the movie Macbeth

Sadly, in the end, he creates a lot of bloods of his peoples included his own queen and he was killed under the sword on a man which was not born by a woman exactly what the prophecy had said.
reflection on pgymalion and shakespear walla

"Pygmalion" is a movie that describes how accent can determine economic opportunity and social status. It also provides an introduction to phonetics and to the Greek myth of Pygmalion. The movie allows children to work through the romantic situations of Eliza, Higgins and Eliza's friend, Freddie. Eliza demonstrates an inner strength that will not accept the limitations of a class system that denies the intrinsic value of the individual. i like this movie because the characters is beautiful. This is a very nice movie and it can cheer us up.A gal from a florish family become a standard class women. i really like it much..
However, sharespear walla, is a boring movie that make me feel sleepy.i somehow dont know what shakespear want to bring out from that movie.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
In my opinion, I think Teiresias is a very important person in Greek drama because he is the one who can make the stories’ lines float lively. Teiresias is a blind prophet, usually said to have been blinded because he saw the goddess Athena bathing and then to have been awarded the gift of prophecy as a consolation for his blindness.
He is the one after GOD because he has the ability to forecast and can make a hint to the audiences about what will happen in the drama later. He also has the strength to anticipate the truth of something because he can predicts what will happen later in the age.
In Sophocles' Oedipus the King, Oedipus, the king of Thebes, calls upon Tiresias to assist in the investigation of the killing of the previous king Laius. At first, Tiresias refuses to give a direct answer and instead hints that the killer is someone Oedipus really does not wish to find.
However, after being provoked to anger by Oedipus' accusation first that he has no foresight and then that Teiresias replied that Oedipus was the cause of all their problems; this answer almost cost Teiresias his life but Oedipus had sympathy for Teiresias’ age and blindness and throws him out of the palace. Unluckily, Oedipus afterwards realises the truth.
In a nutshell, Teiresias was born with the gift of foretelling. By then, he can make the story more interesting by telling the hints in the conversation. It made the students more understanding about story.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Development of human life.
After reading the poem “Ages of man” by William Butler Yeats and Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, and the riddle in “Oedipus Rex”, I think that the three stories is talking about human life. We human beings need to pass through different stages in our life and each stage have their own exciting and interesting stories.
In William Shakespeare's “As You Like It”, spoken by the melancholy Jaques. The speech compares the world to a stage and life to a play, and catalogues the seven stages of a man's life, sometimes referred to as the seven ages of man: infant, school-boy, lover, soldier, justice, pantaloon, and second childhood, "sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything". Shakespeare means that the world is nothing but a theatrical stage where we humans are actors. From our birth we enter the stage and keep on acting true to our age, until old age when we act the last scene. It is one of Shakespeare's most frequently-quoted passages.
On the other hand, in the poem of William Butler Yeats, “The Four Ages of Man” Yeats describes that human’s life is a process that we need to pass through. It is a tough process as we human have to fight to pass through these four stages. The first stage is infancy. In this stage we are dependent on others and needs to be constantly attended to the stage we can walk. While when we go into childhood, this is the stage that he begins to go to school and know everything about life. This is the times they get to know what love is and understand all remorseful due to some reason or other especially love and lost. Then it comes to adulthood stage, he has acquired wisdom through the many experiences he has had in life. He has reached a stage where he has gained prosperity and social status. He becomes very attentive of his looks and begins to enjoy the finer things of life. But when times come, he begins to lose his charm — both physical and mental. He loses his firmness and assertiveness, and shrinks in stature and personality and no matter how firm he is, God will take away his life and he will die.
Oedipus Rex talks about stages of life as well. There is only three stages in the story by the Sphynx. He talk about what goes first on four legs, then on two, and then on three. The first stage is describes about a baby that crawl on the floor. Then it move to a adult that can we use 2 leg to support the body to walk on the road while when we are old, we may need a stick to help us to walk for balance to avoid to fall.
The three poem talk about the stages of human being and I think it is accurate for all the 3 writers because these are all our stages that we need to pass through. After all, I do support what William Shakespeare's “As You Like It” as I think we human being must gone through all these details in the process of our life.
edu 3217
In my opinion, I think going to Edu 3217 Teaching the Language of Drama class is very interesting. This is my first time to be involved in overview of the history of theatre in the class. There are a lot of new things for me to know about. For instant, the first philosopher is Aristotle (384-322 B.C) in The Greek Theater. On the other hand, there is also Greek tragedy in the theater. Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euridipes are the poetic that are in the theater. There is also Greek comedy in the theater. It is difficult to understand but I think it is interesting because we can know more about the history of theatre.
Besides, there is also Roman theatre. It included tragedy and comedy. The comedy is emergence of Christianity and terminated all form of theatre. This theatre is more to violent theater. After the morality plays, it comes to mystery plays which is in
Meanwhile, restoration drama is in 1660-1668 catered mainly for the Court society. 18th and 19th century drama is prominence and dwindled. The 20th century drama on the others hand is a more modern drama. After 1945, it becomes contemporary. Although these theaters are old, but are all new to us because this is the first time we have the chance to contact with all these history of drama.
By learning these theatres, I know more about the style that a drama should have and it really make me open my eyes.
about Dr eDWIN
This semester, I think is a hard semester for me because I have to bear the entire hard subject that I never had read or study before. As usual, this semester we meet our respectful lecturer Dr Edwin. He is a very strict lecturer last semester in EDU 3214. Teaching the language of Short stories. I till remember the first day he came into the class with his strict face, and told us that we cannot be late to class else he will be very angry of us. Due to his dignify, we didn’t dare to offend him as we scare he will kick us out of the class. Then night mare happened. I felt stress going to his class because every time when he says wants to call out people who didn’t do his homework and he started to check our pink story book, few drop of perspiration will come out from my body. I am scared. But, Dr Edwin is a very knowledgeable lecturer. Under his strict and horror oppress, I decided to know more about stories and understand what stimulated teaching is. This semester, he is our lecturer as well but teaches us drama. I think he is more friendsly in this semester and I think I really respect him this sem. He is not as strict as last time, but he is till been respect by us. He teaches us to be discipline and be punctual in class. Moreover, he also teaches us to underline the important point in the text. This is a really useful technique as I can uses in others subject as well. He also asks us to write blog. Thought this is not my first time to write a blog, but it do impress me because no lecturer will ask us to write blog, and give mark for us depend of what we had wrote in the blog.
Overall, I think Dr Edwin is a very knowledgably lecturer and he is good in all aspect. I really respect him. He is fun and good.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
what i like in a poem
Besides that, the conventions of the theatre also play an important role in a play. The construction of the text, acts, scenes, the directions and the actor, the language and so are all the conventions of a theatre. The most important thing in the play will be the stage characters. The characters must be contrast with each other and whether they are dynamic or flat, or central to the play’s action or supportive. Short play is suitable for a few actors while long play will depend on the story line.
Moreover, a good play must satisfy the intellect and shows organization. It also shows ideational content and concern about human experience. They have to empathize what human is facing and act it as real life purpose.
Setting and tone also make a very important part in a play. If the actors is good but there don’t have a appropriate setting or sound effect, the whole play will be ruin.In a nut shell, a good play need a very large production to make it success